Effleuring soft toutch is the perfect first manipulation to start a massage treatment.

A sport massage is a must just before or after a competition.

The decongestant massage helps eliminate toxins and oxides accumulated in the tissues.

Effleuring soft touch
Sport Massage
Decongestant Massage



Happy summer vacation! 


The office will be close from July 18, 2024


to August 10, 2024, You can contact us by email at: admin@ampq-pmaq.ca 


or leave a message on vacal boxe, we recontact you.


Nos courriels:  admin@ampq-pmaq.ca,      


Liens avec CNESST:




Produits sanitaires:  AMPQ-0520 Site internet:



The 11 of June 2020.

Dears members, you will start your work the june15. I am sure than the majority of you are ready and you will take the best maners to deal with. If the little suggestions I wrote only for you, I am sure that you will take the best decisions before, during and after the massage. Have a good time and good massage.


Jean-Claude Bleau


June 1st, 2020,a good number of you at your home or that of customer, you are back to your activities and appointments are generally by telephone. For the majority of centers and clinics it will be the 15 of June.

1 :  The appointments will be made by phone and as well as the health report. If the appointment is regular customer, the health chechout procedure is easier, you will ask if there are changes in their health since the last visit. Also, if they have not been infected by covid-19 or by the people surrounding them and in their workplace. If negative you may proceed. Ask to your customer They have to get their own bottle of water it will be safe.


2 : Do not come in contact with their face, for the moment face massage should be avoided. You may massage the head and feet but you must wash your hands before and after proceeding with other parts of the body.

3 : You receive the person, according to the health report. They do not have Covid-19. Limit travel in the premises. For the customer to take shower at home before arriving would be much appreciated. The customer should remove their clothing in a place provided for this purpose  or in the room where you massage. You can peovide an easily cleanable chair for the customer to deposit their personal effects.

4 : If the customer take a shower before the procedure, provide a bath sheet or a bath robe and pads for the route of the shower to the massage table, provide mask for the customer during the massage when the last one is laid on their back, you may cover the eyelids with a clean linen or eye protectors. the shower should be disinfected immediately after its use if it is at your home.

5 : Towels and sheets must be changed after the massage, wash the table and the chair with suitable products.

6 : The room has to be adequatly ventilated and you will have to bring into the room, all the necessary equipment for the therapeutic massage you will undertake, because you cannot leave the room during the massage without compromising your preventions.

7 : Don't forget that you will be in direct contact with the person for a time of about 55 minutes even if you are wearing a mask there is nothing guaranteed 100%. You should wear a mask and eyeglasses and some protective clothing, the must as possible.

8 : Use gloves, everything you wore should be removed and placed in an area designated for things to be wasged. Carefully clean the tools you will carry, massage table, chairs and cushions at the customer's home. The customer will provide the necessary blankets, sheets and towels.

9 : Otherwise provide for transportation also cleaning products. Don't forget spare masks and gloves for handling all objects provide that you do not wear them during the massage.

10: You will have to take a shower after each intervention and provide the time for your travel massage, respect and space correctly your appointments time, take a time to relax your health is important.

Good massage.

Your president.








May 31, 2020.

Hi dears members, it will be very important to read the adequat information from the internet who's fallowing.

Covic-19.     https://www.cnesst.gouv.qc.ca/salle-de-presse/covid-19-info-en/Pages/toolkit-therapeutic-care.aspx

Your professional liability insurance will support you until the 1st of August 2020. More concerning your insurance liability this week.


Also, some informations to have any sanitary products for your business on this site:  https://www.epiquebec.com/

The 29 May 2020.

Your new informations concerning your practice in massage therapy. Also, next Monday you will have have more informations from me for a safe practice at your office and client's home in the president word.





The May 26, 2020. 

Dears member have a good day,

I am sure that the majority of you are ready to biginning your activities in massage therapy the 1st of june. Also I will send you by regular post the informations about CNESST concerning the maners to start your work safely to protect your clients's health and yours.

Also, I am in negociation with the brooker of our insurance liability concerning the COVIC-19 and our responsability. For the moment you have an extension time of this last-one until 1st August.

About the COVIC-19, I would like to be sure to have all the good informations to commuicate at all the members.

More in next days, I will give you the majors points to respect during your work. Have  good day and thanks to read me.



21 May 2020.

Dears members,

We are not sure concerning the massotherapeutes work for the moment but if we start our work the beginning of June we will have a maximum of protection to apply. I will come back tomorrow evening with more informations and the protocole to respect. Speak or write to you tomorrow.


05 May 2020.

Dears Members,

We have no answers for the moment concerning when we will start ours activities in therapeutical massage. I know it's not  obvious to stop working in a delay of 2 or 3 days and that in the last day of Marsh and the day after no bodies work. Also I know some have more financial problems with this situation to.

I would like to tell you we restart tomorrow morning but nobody has cristal ball to the short terme predictions.

I would like to tell you we start in the middle of May but nothing is evident. Thanks the life we have a goods governments to help each others and we have to belive in tomorrow and in the humanity. I am confident we will have better news around the 18 May.

04/27/2020.                               COVID-19:         Dear members.

The office will be open June 1st  but not without the safety order from Québec government.

Your health first.

You will can start your work soon but not before the Mother's day, but more around the week beginning the Mai 31. But it's not official, wait for the First Minister Mr. François Legault advises.

As soon as possible, we will communicate to you the best ways to practice safely your profession as possible for you and your clients.


#200-5967, Jean-Talon, East, St-Léonard, Qc. H1S 1M5


February the August 07, 2019

Dear members, please take the time to read the Notice to all Massage therapy associations of Québec, send by GREAT-WEST insurances company.


The Blue-Cross insurances and you.



You will find this Notice when you click on home and on the insurance companies and you.



For your information!

If a clinic or massage center is gueshonorable!

Take the phone number of this place and contact them. You will know automatically if it's a safe and serious place. Ask to speak to the manager and ask wath kinds of massage their personnals apply, if the massotherapeute who applies the massage has his certificate affixed on the reception's or on the room's treatment wall. Each A.M.P.Q. massage therapyst can be identify because on each certificate you have the photo and the identification number of the massotherapeute. Only this last one can emit receipts at ends of refunding by insurance companies. Also, a massotherapeute cannot émit a receipt for another theraspist. It's important to identify the person who applies the massage. If you do not see on the wall of the reception the  certificate and the photo of Massotherapeute, require to receive the sevices of an identifiable person, it is your right.